Sunday, October 25, 2009

THE BIRTH OF HYPNO show in Portland, Oregon. 8/14/09-8/24/09...Postcard Design by Sir Richard Wentworth

*(colors have been warped in translation).bio:HYPNOKOMIX is a forthcoming line of cutting edge graphic narratives, written by Portland-based demiurge Jason Squamata and illustrated with blistering intensity by Owen Hunter ("Otherman & the Orakuloids"), Damian Zari ("Parliament of Babies"), Sir Richard Wentworth ("Beach Blanket Beyond"), and Andrew Mc Kenzie ("Hypnozine" & "Amerikan Zer0!"). THE BIRTH OF HYPNO is an immersive simulation of the worlds that churn within each of these works, a conjuration of the ambience specific to those worlds, and a demonstration of the quasi-alchemical process of their composition and manifestation. Kate Fenker (in the wake of her fascinating "Incubatorium" show at MP5) has crafted strange and beautiful objects from within the symbol systems of each komik. JennyB bends light in this space until the inside and outside are forever confused. This wormhole in the Manor of Art becomes an interstitial space, a zone between worlds, a Hypgnostic crossroads. HYPNOKOMIX is based bi-coastally in Oregon (Squamata, Fenker, Hunter, Zari) and Maine (Mc Kenzie) and Massachusetts (Wentworth). Our intention is to secure a publisher for these first five six-issue storylines and from thence to explore the possibilities of this mutant medium everlastingly. We build installations and invocational spaces so the Hypno initiate can enter these komix almost physically. We extend the aesthetic tendrils of each piece until its reflections and refractions bloom in every other kind of media. HYPNOKOMIX blur the distinctions between Art and Garbage and Magic and Merchandise and Adolescent Fantasy and Ancient Religion and Dreams and Realities and all points in between. Enter this storm of pages, frames, and bubbles. Bear witness to THE BIRTH OF HYPNO. Reality dies at dawn.

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